Hi, I’m GirlImperfect0.

My whole life, I’ve been guard­ed. And I’ve spent the last 13 years in iso­la­tion. The truth is set­ting me free, and I don’t want to wor­ry about being per­fect­ed in pri­vate before shar­ing in pub­lic anymore.

My blog won’t look per­fect­ly pro­fes­sion­al; my entries won’t be per­fect­ly con­struct­ed. But they’ll be hon­est and transparent.

And my hope is that as I process the pain and roller coast­er of emo­tions of this unex­pect­ed, dev­as­tat­ing, pul­ver­iz­ing jour­ney, some­thing will res­onate with you, Read­er, and some­one out there will know they too can expe­ri­ence the love, pro­tec­tion, and promis­es of the God Who holds me so close right now.

In His love,